Thursday, September 11, 2008

That sinking feeling

Ever thought something was a really good idea until you tried it? I am studying for the VHF radio ops exam: in my creative but not technical mind, I imagined it would be all about phonetics (at which I'm really good), correct and courteous radio proceedure (at which I'm really good) and channel selection (of which I have a good working knowledge).
How wrong can you be!?! Now I have to remember things like the specific gravity of battery acid, on-load terminal voltage and all sorts of stuff that I have no clue about....
At least I can define the word Megahertz: it's a description of the headache you get when you realise you're probably too thick to even attempt the exam!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Here's a photo of Sirocco showing off her new sail number...doesn't it suit her? :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Safety First

Latest EBay win - a Raymarine LifeTag system, complete and unused - thanks to EBay-er Ashley from Tasmania :) Yay, now I can fall off the boat safely......!