Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mikes techie corner

Latest on Sirocco…

Bavaria locates the sea water strainer for the engine cooling water on the rear engine compartment bulkhead. To check it involves stretching over the engine, not an easy task for either of us, so I have relocated it onto the forward bulkhead, now as the cover is lifted it is right there, easy. No new pipes are needed for this mod as it is a simple case of swapping the inlet and outlet pipe lengths over.

We have been suffering gear selection problems, especially reverse gear, the gear engagement went in with a healthy clunk and things felt very stiff at the throttle lever. Volvo Penta have now sorted this out, firstly by installing 2 new cables from throttle to engine and secondly setting the idle speed down from almost 1000RPM to the correct 825RPM, the gears now engage with a click not a clonk and the whole feel is much better, Sirocco is a transformed yacht ! :-)

It is still a bit too warm to go crawling below decks to fit the wind generator; I will do that next month when things will be a bit cooler. We unfortunately have a slightly leaking sky light window, it’s very annoying to be dripped on while eating, so that is on the list of ‘To Do’ for next time.


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