Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Excuse me, but you can call me SKIPPER

Today Mike and I both passed both the theoretical and practical elements of our RST. This new rule comes into force on April 1st, so we thought we'd get it over and done with before the rush. We think the RST is a very good idea, as up until April 1st this year, there is no requirement for anyone to have prior knowledge before skippering any kind of vessel and taking off. Think about that for a moment - say, for example, you managed to get out of the harbour safely, then came across a marker with two black triangles pointing down and, not knowing what it means, navigated to the North of it.....or, not knowing the rules of the 'road' or having no knowledge of radio proceedures...disaster, right? (and trust me, it has happened). At last, West Australia has come into line with the rest of the country and made the RST compulsory. Not before time. OK, I'll hop off my soapbox now and go and open a bottle to celebrate our skipperhood.
Oh by the way, it's ok, you don't have to salute as we go past :-)

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